Day 8 (Aug. 8, 2009)

...Not only did we drive to the border, but all the way to Edmunds, Wa.
Back to the border though. We were stopped and asked the usual questions:
-Where are you going?
-Where have you been?
-How long are you going were you in Canada?
-Why are you going to your destination?
-How much cash do you have on you?

After all the questions Mr. Border Guard wanted to see what was in the Jeep.
Driving for a week straight, living in it, it wasn't a pretty sight.
He tried to open our back door, but of course it doesn't work.
He was pulling, and pulling making noise while we were trying to explain to the other Border Guard that the handle doesn't work.
Mr. Border Guard (who is about to break the handle) is getting irritated and keeps telling us to unlock it, it's not locked, it's broke.
He wouldn't stop to listen. Finally we got him to open the window on the back door instead.
He was irritated, we were tired and sleepy, bloodshot eyes.
Maybe we were suspicious pot runners.
Finally, he gave up, grumbled his displeasure about not getting to see our dirty clothes and food.
Anyways we drove on to Edmunds, Wa and arrived at 1:30 AM. Stayed in the parking lot of a Best Western for a couple of hours.
First in line for the ferry at 4:45 AM.
Arrived at Bill and Judy's house at about 7 AM. Slept a few hours.
Toured Seabeck. Ate Mexican Nachos. First good meal since pizza in Jasper.
Later visited Annes great grandmother.
No photos today. Too tired.

-Cecil and Anne

1 comment:

  1. hopefully they won't want to see what M & D have in their trailer...
